
Fire Alarm Assessments Crucial as Businesses Reopen

With the recent easing of pandemic restrictions, businesses and facility managers have shifted their focus to welcoming employees back to the workplace.

As part of this process, property owners must ensure buildings are safe to return to. This effort critically includes all fire safety equipment and systems.

The performance of any electrical equipment that has been out of regular operation for an extended period may have declined, and new office configurations or the adoption of new technology can impact fire alarm system design. Thus, thorough fire alarm inspections and maintenance must be completed before reintroducing occupants to buildings and offices.

Licensed Electrical Contractors Help Ontario Businesses Meet Fire Code Requirements

In Ontario, anyone who tests, inspects, repairs, replaces or alters a fire alarm system (or interconnected smoke alarm) must be a certified alarm system electrician. The Ontario Fire Marshal has approved two training programs that meet provincial Fire Code requirements.

Licenced electricians who have completed Certi-Fire training are equipped to identify issues and damage through a visual inspection and evaluate an alarm system’s operational performance through thorough testing. They can also repair, replace and install fire alarm components.

Fire alarm assessments are especially important now with the development of return-to-work plans.

1. Lack of Usage Impacts Fire Alarm Performance

Many facilities have been empty or have operated at reduced occupancies for years. Even perfectly designed fire alarm systems can become ineffective if upkeep is neglected. Devices degrade over time and are prone to malfunctions and failure. In addition, a fire alarm’s performance can be compromised by debris and dust that builds up.

2. Office Reconfigurations Change Alarm System Needs

The pandemic has changed how we use buildings, and, as a result, many business owners are retrofitting open floor plans. Changing the configuration of a building or office also means a fire alarm system reassessment and redesign is necessary. Under these circumstances, it is ideal to hire certified personnel to perform electrical upgrades and system modifications while a building is empty.

3. Smart Technology is Driving Fire Alarm System Upgrades

Even before the era of Covid-19, smart offices were quickly gaining popularity. Now, with reopening plans on the horizon, building professionals are actively looking to connect building systems and make them more efficient while keeping occupants safe and healthy. This has proved to be the perfect time to modernize fire alarm systems and integrate fire safety into newly adopted smart technology infrastructure projects.

Certified Electricians Keep Employees and Customers Safe

Most building maintenance staff members don’t possess the certification or experience to install, test or maintain fire alarms properly. Certi-Fire electricians ensure all work completed complies with fire codes and provincial standards.

Find a Certi-Fire Registered Fire Alarm Contractor in your area today.

Related Reading:

The Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario (ECAO) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Construction Council of Ontario (IBEW CCO) support the Certi-Fire certification program.

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